Cats are hunters by nature and need to exercise their skills at chasing, pouncing and catching. The good news is, you don’t necessarily need to let them outside to let them hunt. Here are ways you can set up an indoor hunting ground in just about any room of your...
Have you ever stopped to wonder why we find cats so incredible loveable? Some of that innate love could be instinct, based on cats’ unique facial features. Or, the answer could also lie in how cats domesticated themselves.
Cats are consistently living their best lives and us humans could learn a thing or two from our four-legged overlords. We've learned many important lessons from our kitties about living life to the fullest and here are ten of our favorites.
Unlike people, cats don’t seem to appreciate the little trinkets and treats we get for them during the holidays. But with a little creativity, you can surprise your kitty with a little extra play and a season full of fun
Owners are often concerned that chewing cardboard or paper poses a danger for their cats. Is it okay if your cat eats paper? What should you do if your cat does engage in this type of activity? We have the answers for you and we even have some innovative toys...
Are you tired of your cat waking you up at night? When kitty gets rambunctious in the middle of the night it's usually a sign that kitty needs something from you. Here are some simple ways to help you get your beauty sleep while making sure your cat's needs are...