
black cat silhouette on orange night sky
Cloud Nine pure potent silver vine for cats - better than catnip
Halloween conjures up fun and playful images of witches, pumpkins, scads of trick or treaters, and of course, cats! But no matter how cute and clever these Halloween kitties may be portrayed, in real life, our cats are just not great fans of the holiday. For many kitties, the noise and activity, and ringing of the doorbell is no treat at all, only a trick, and a scary one at that.
But there are easy ways to keep our kitties happy and feeling they are getting the treats on this holiday. And most of it has to do with just a little preparation before the candy-seekers show up.  Simply follow these easy tips on how to create a safe room to help your scaredy-cat feel more secure in his own home.
infographic on how to create a safe room for your cat to hide

1 comment

  • sandra weaver

    This is a great article Dr. Bahr ?

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